Opening bid of trust

by | May 13, 2022 | Change Leadership | 0 comments

Do you believe in the “opening bid of trust”?

It’s said that if you start your interaction with someone trusting them, they’ll more likely be trustworthy.

Trusting another human is (I believe) the most profound way to make a person feel valued.

I often talk to leaders about creating an environment of TRANSPARENCY, TRUST and TEAMWORK and even though I often find myself recommending to start with transparency, it actually really starts with trust.

If we trust each other first, most people will rise to the challenge of whatever is asked of us to not lose that trust.

Trustworthiness makes us feel valuable, seen, and recognised for who we are and one of our most basic human needs is to be recognised and appreciated by other human beings.

Giving someone trust without them having to earn it first, is a gift and most of us will receive it as such and won’t want to waste it.

Trust your staff to do what’s right and they more often than not, will rise to the level of your expectation.

#teamwork #trustworthiness #transparency #trust #trustbasedleadership

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